In contrast example sentences

The architects wanted New Delhi to represent a sense of law and order, in contrast to the chaos of Old Delhi.In contrast to mitosis, meiosis occurs in the diploid cells, which are destined to form gametes.In contrast to Freud's biological orientation, Fromm developed his theory from a social orientation.In contrast, the departmental stores may provide credit facilities to some of their regular customers.It is precisely because of the socio-cultural differences that while people in China prefer bicycles, the Japanese in contrast like to ride bikes.In contrast, Kamal works in the unorganised sector.Hence, in contrast to metals which readily form cations, non-metals readily form anions.In contrast to meiosis I, meiosis resembles a normal mitosis.In contrast to this, the secondary and tertiary sectors produce three-fourth of the produce whereas they employ less than half the people.In contrast, because of being printed, novels were widely read and became popular very quickly.In contrast, secondary groups are those where relationships among members are more impersonal, indirect, and less frequent.Why are only 'final goods and services' counted? In contrast to final goods, goods such as wheat and the wheat flour in this example are intermediate goods.In contrast, the average consumption in most of the southern states like Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh is in the range of 3 4 kgs per person per month.In contrast to the specific environment, these factors explain the general environment which mostly influences many enterprises at the same time.In contrast, the democratic government will take more time to follow procedures before arriving at a decision.

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